Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Puh-leeze dont think I'm normal...

I'm so totally not; I'm anything but normal. In fact, I'm severely abnormal, exactly why you love this loser, this razor-sharp-weeerdo in the weeds.

My reply to
the question
from on high:
how weeerd am I?

--> I'm totally out-of-order like a pinball game.
--> I'm a gross violation-of-custom like my heart
      throb cameNwent...
--> she departed like a hot, french fry.
--> I'm an oddity... yet, I'm a rarity.
--> I'm a reliable ignition.
--> I'm the traveling rendition.
--> I'm the exception...no exceptions.
--> I'm wholly exclusive.
--> I'm so all inclusive.
--> I'm very unique in the pouring rain.
--> I'm the question mark.
--> I'm the vision of the mundane.
--> I am the Lewis and Clark.
--> I am youth.
--> I am truth.
--> I am quite uncouth.
--> I'm just a kid! Wannna summore jooth!!!!!
--> I'm still discerning.
--> I'm still learning.
--> I'm still yearning to be in Heaven-Above
      where I shall ride bikes, balloons and
      stoic, bastion-like-bugs to banquets
      for my Beloved, Miss Wisdom.
--> I'm a zit-poppn, wild-one.
--> I'm rock-hoppin under the Son.
--> I'm a trail-blazin, non-conformist
     when I'm all done.
--> I'm a Deadline.
--> I'm the Barbwire.
--> I'm a Roachpuss.
--> I'm the Wurmgloo, too.
--> ...and a whole, macabre slew of others I left
      behind beneath my world view gone blind.
--> I dodged freight trains.
--> ...state sanity chages
--> ...and gorgeous women.
--> Done the Black Flag gig.
--> Millions of Dead Cops with Janet.
--> Social Distortion at the Outhouse.
--> Corrosion Of Conformity with Steve.
--> Though I'm severely head injured...
      I'm far, far, far, far, far, far from it.
--> I'm nearer to the Trinity rather
     than the dead-head-earth
     which done holds me fast
     by her gravity, Paw.
--> ...and, yes, my gramama in Harrisburg, PA
     dropped me on my head when I was very
     young - so, apparently, that's wot startd it.

From a severely-dysfunctional-family growing-up, I useta light fires in the fields living on the 'farm' in the groovy 70s - a fantastic metaphor to how my life functioned: seeing alla the 'dead grass' in flames; exactly how hollow I was, precisely how empty and vastly vain my existence was... till I found my very own psycho: JEEEE-SIS!!!

Actually, my head injury was the catalyst - lost nearly 17% of my groovy-gray-matter. I thot to myself when only a wee 17, 'I'm no good to the world now!!!' ...and I tried suicide many, many, many times... but, yet, and I found this out yeeers later [skuze d'New Yoirk effervescence]:

'Screw The World!!! sHe can re-use MY injury exponentially for the betterment of humanity!!!'

O? How trite? How superfluous?
How illusion-filled and contemptuous
is this finite existence WITHOUT God, bubba?
Thus, God Almighty must be as psycho
as me precisely cuzz sHe made this mortal.
Precisely why sHe put-in the Don.
Yeah, Im a priceless iconoclast.

Yay! I'm a psycho4jesus!!!!!
This true nobuddy like me,
like Jesus, cares about where
YOUR indelible soul is headed:
whot did I say bout FREE-WILL
which the psychotic God hath
blessed U.S. with?

For a HIGHER education, KU,
dont seek whot's below...
follow us to Seventh-Heaven:



  1. I really need to read twice your post....
    great post....the way of life

  2. I know, ^.^
    Thars a whole gob in Seventh-Heaven
    for doing the angst. Wannum???
    Wanna be a saint??

    1. SOLUTION:
      get your head chopped-off
      by the bloody guillotine...
      and riseabove to be a saint.
      I’m warning you, America:
      gettn your heads chopped-off
      is muuuuuch easier than
      spending an eternity in Hellfire
      which is what O’bomba wants.
      Make Your Choice -SAW
